Ms. Sippel (Pompea di Casa Odina)

Date of birth 05/22/2018
Shoulder height 55cm
prcd-PRA N/PRA (B)
D locus D1 D/D
VAP F 43 points
VAP H 90 points
French day VBBFL club breed show
Form excellent
Hair value excellent
VDH European Winner Show
junior class excellent 2
Father: "Bosse" Obeir Splendeur Doree
Mother: Dis Moi Malou-Zola
vom Duckstein
Ms. Sippel comes from Sonja and Matthias Bosse's kennel in Marbach am Neckar. She has 10 siblings. In the summer of 2018 we picked up the little bundle of energy from the Bosse family. From the beginning she showed no insecurity, but was very open to everything new.
Ms. Sippel is still very curious, so she loves to stand on her hind legs at the window and watch from our bedroom window what's going on down on the turning hammer in front of our house.
geladen. Trotzdem hat sie keine Probleme zur Ruhe zu kommen. Im Haus ist sie sehr ausgeglichen, wenn sie nicht gerade Franz bei Laune hält und gutmütig wie sie ist, seinen Aufforderungen zum Spiel nachgibt.
Every conspecific, known or unknown, is happily greeted by "Sippi". Even when a snarling dog rushes at her, she remains calm and confident. She lets herself be sniffed, sniffs herself and then she encourages everyone to play. In most cases it is successful. Some owners of shy, older dogs who don't really want to play anymore are amazed when they suddenly see their animal happily racing Ms. Sippel. We have the impression that Ms. Sippel knows how to approach her fellow dogs so that they follow her request to play. And if someone really doesn't feel like it, her nose goes down and she happily sniffs at the many interesting smells along the way and leaves them alone.

ihrer unnachahmlichen Art. Der ganze Körper wackelt und man hat das Gefühl, sie freut sich wahnsinnig, dass ein neuer Tag beginnt. Danach legt sie sich aber wieder hin und wartet, bis es Zeit für die Morgenrunde ist.
Ms. Sippel also likes to get in touch with us humans. She likes to play hide-and-seek with children or is willing to be taught little tricks. Our neighbour's child, a 9-year-old, often picks up Ms. Sippel in the afternoon for a little game. When Sippi hears the doorbell and then discovers the little girl at the side window, she is absolutely thrilled.
Sippi also learned the basic commands quickly. No matter what you train, as long as you spend time with her she'll be happy. That doesn't mean, however, that she constantly wants attention and doesn't find it easy to rest. On the contrary, after the morning walk, she enjoys the peace and quiet at home.
Even if the weather is bad or everyone is otherwise busy, she doesn't whine. As long as she is allowed to lie under the desk, boring office days are not a problem for Ms. Sippel. It's all good when she can keep snuggling with a family member.

So ist es bis heute geblieben. Sie findet immer neue Schlupflöcher in unserem Gartenzaun. Wenn wir eines gefunden und geschlossen haben, macht sie sich ein neues. Sie friemelt in Sisyphusarbeit den Maschendrahtzaun auf, springt aus dem Stand über 1,20m hohe Gartenzäune oder entwischt durch einen kleinen unverschlossenen Spalt zwischen Zaun und
Basically, a barbet, and therefore also Ms. Sippel, needs plenty of exercise. The morning walk usually takes an hour and leads through the forest or past the lake. There is a lot of sniffing and running back and forth. Further, shorter rounds follow in the afternoon and evening.
For her, a “premium walk” is characterized by meeting her (male) friends Paul (Vizla), Yuma (Golden Retriever), Django (Labrador) or Ede (Borzoi). She can simply go crazy even better together with them!
As with almost all water dogs, water is also a beloved element of our Ms. Sippel. She is passionate about swimming. If you throw sticks or a dummy into the water, she will happily follow and fetch. But she also looks for ducks on the horizon just to be able to start swimming.

aufmerksame Nanny. Oft lag sie mitten im Hundebett, zugedeckt von einer ganzen Welpenschar. Als wir das beobachten konnten war klar: sie wird eine hingebungsvolle Mama.